In July 2020, I got to capture a wedding in one of my favorite places: Leavenworth, Washington!
If you are unfamiliar, Leavenworth is a Bavarian-themed town surrounded by gorgeous mountains in Washington State. Many people venture there for a sweet getaway, or like Analice and Kevin, to get married.
Like many other couples, this was not what they planned. But after deciding whether to wait until 2021 in hopes of a bigger celebration, or to say their vows on the day they scheduled, they decided the best decision for them was to start their lives as a married couple despite the restrictions. Kevin and Ana are dear friends of mine, so when they asked me if I would be willing to capture their improvised wedding day, I had no hesitation.
On a Sunday evening, about a dozen of us gathered at a boat launch off the highway in Leavenworth. We carried down 6 chairs for family members and a table for communion. Kevin and Ana had their best friends as their wedding party and Kevin’s immediate family as the audience. Ana’s family lives in Brazil and were not able to attend because of Covid, but we were able to live stream so they could watch their gorgeous sister and daughter get married.
This wedding made me so emotional. I don’t know whether it was because they are my friends and it felt like such a blessing to be invited into something so intimate, or because I was keenly aware of the sacrifices they had to make to host this wedding, but there were many moments where my eyes were misty with tears. It was SUCH a beautiful wedding, but I know it was still costly for them and their loved ones.
After they said their vows, they took communion as a couple and then were surrounded by their friends who prayed over them. What a sweet way to begin their marriage! We wrapped up the ceremony with champagne and cake, and went back to the Airbnb all together for BBQ and game night. Simple. Sweet. Intentional. Ana + Kevin, it is a gift to call you my friends. Thank you for including me in your wedding!!!
